Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Text & binary modes on ftp – CR LF ASCII codes

Why there are binary mode and text mode transfers?

What is the difference between binary and text mode transfers?

When FTP data transfer modes are important, When it doesn't matter?

Sometimes, I can see an unknown character like "^M" at and of a line, what is this character? Why is it there?

I have to talk about "how to recording data" when we are writing to a text file. Because, the questions above are directly related how to save text files on disk! As you know, there is a character table for text which is called ASCII code table as following,

When we press to a character on the keyboard while we are using a text editor, the text editor records them as equivalent value on the ascii table. For example, when we pressed the character "a", the editor saves it as hex "0x61". This situation is same for all Operating Systems.


We see a text as lines of characters but normally all of the information is constructed by 1's and 0's. Those texts don't lie as lines in computer's memory. Text editors try to mark each line with special characters starting with a character. The problem is that when we press ENTER button on the keyboard, the text editors are using different marking information on different Operating Systems.

Let's continue our sample,
We want to write


"\n" part is for pressing ENTER button on the keyboard. This is a characteristic symbol in the C programming language. Content of that string is stored on Windows, Unix/Linux and Mac Operating Systems as follow;

54 65 73 74 0D 0A - On a Windows system
54 65 73 74 0A    - On a Unix/Linux system 
54 65 73 74 0D    - On a Mac system                 

0D and 0A parts are for illustrating CR and LF on ASCII table. CR means, "Carriage Return" and LF means "Line Feed". As you see below Microsoft Windows needs both to mark a new line however Unix / Linux operating system don't need both of them. CR is enough to show anew line. The Mac style is just the opposite of the Unix/Linux.

There are 255 characters in Ascii table. The extended part of Ascii table is other part as follows;

Just because for this reason, ftp protocol is supporting two different transfer mode.

Binary mode is transferring data from ftp client to ftp server bit by bit without any modification. If client and server have different type of operating systems, target system can not identify the line endings if the subject to send is text file.

Text mode is able to understand source and target system difference and fix the line ending codes as expected format by the requester.

So, If your system and  target ftp server are in different type and your data is text, you have to select text transfer mode on your ftp client to ensure files to be sent in correct form.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Stdioe Starts Tweeting

We are happy to announce that we start to tweet at twitter.
Follow @stdioe for our updates, new articles and other news.
For the stdioe team, async:false.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Using PHP-GTK to Serve Desktop Applications: Creating a Simple Interface

PHP-GTK is a library for PHP that provides an object-oriented interface to GTK+ classes and functions. Actually this is a little bit hard, so that is slow to develop itself. PHP-GTK uses object-oriented programming on it.

What is PHP-GTK?

GTK is a library to develop PHP and created by Andrei Ziminevski, you want to see him? There are some varieties about that, Scintilla, GtkHTML, etc.
According to some of us, Java, C++ or C# is better to use than PHP-GTK. But If the coder who knows how to code on PHP use it, PHP-GTK should be very simple to code. That's why is OOP kind of PHP 5.

Installing PHP-GTK for Windows
Had you set any plugin up before, you shall say that, installing PHP-GTK plugin is so hard, but actually is not'cuz you have to know something about that. First go this site: or here and download gtk library. After that open the .rar or .zip file you've just downloaded.

Download gtk library:
When you open this archive, just copy all folders to C:/
After this, open the winnt folder and copy the php.ini file, paste to php4 folder. And finish! You have finally finished the installing right now!
This one is for windows installation. If you want to install this package other system (Linux, MacOS something else), you can visit this official page.

The First GTK Project!
As we know, when the first project created, just done "hello world!". What we're gonna do is like that :) For this we need to php code and GTK library. that's it!
helloworld! MyFirstProject.php file

function clearThis() {
$window = new GtkWindow(); 

$window->set_border_width('50'); //Alert's width set as 50px.

$label = new GtkLabel("Hello World"); //Written Text sets here.

It is time to work the project. First open your windows command screen and follow this directory: c:\php4\php c:\php4\test\MyFirstProject
Well, we have installed PHP-GTK library on C:/ and created the first project about it. As result, we can say, PHP language is not just for the web, can use it as desktop.

See you guys next article!

How to Connect SQLite Database in Android & A Simple App: "Accessing Data With Android Cursors"

Hi Everyone! I'd showed you how to do an application on Android in the last article. This one is going to be about connection SQLite database and access data with cursors.

If you want to use your data or something else, should connect a database. Using SQLite on Android is so simple. There are so much SQLite Editor but I will use Firefox SQLite Manager in this article. For that, first open your Firefox Browser, then download SQLite Manager and as result go this directory: Tools/SQLite Manager. After that, you can range database. 

And now, it's time to ready our files we use to. Just follow this directories:

1- src/
2- src/
3- layout/data.xml

We need "" file, that's why is gotta a table on database. If you want to add something, I must have a database. Now, code file.
package database.connection;

import android.content.Context;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper;

public class Database extends SQLiteOpenHelper {
 private static final String MYDATABASE = "names";
 private static final int VERSION = 1;

 public Database(Context connection) {
  super(connection, MYDATABASE, null, VERSION);

 public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {

 public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int arg1, int arg2) {
  db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXIST mynames");

So, we've just created a database, as called MYDATABASE. Table's name is "names". There are two fields on it: "id and name". As you know that is all about SQL. If you know SQL, you can get it easily. id field is an integer piece of table. The other one is a text field.

We'got a database and a table of this. The form we can add data is what we need exactly. For that, gotta compose a Android XML File. This file will have a textfield widget and a button widget, that's it! Let's do data.xml file!



If you want, just look what we got up right now. We created a database, a table of this database and form widgets. I can add a data after make this platform up:) Let's do our platform: file
package database.connection;
//Those are included by the system 
import android.content.ContentValues;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.widget.TextView;
public class DataBaseActivity extends Activity {
    private DB names;
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        setContentView(; //including layout/data.xml file
        names = new DB(this);
        final EditText name=(EditText) findViewById(;
        Button senddata=(Button) findViewById(;
        senddata.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {
                     Cursor cursor = ShowDATA();
    private void AddDATA(String ResultName){

    SQLiteDatabase db = names.getWritableDatabase();
    ContentValues datas = new ContentValues();
    datas.put("name", ResultName);
    db.insertOrThrow("ournames", null, datas);

    private String[] SELECT = {"id", "name"};

    private Cursor ShowDATA(){
    SQLiteDatabase db = names.getReadableDatabase();
    Cursor cursor = db.query("ournames", SELECT, null, null, null, null, null);

    return cursor;

    private void ShowDATA(Cursor cursor){
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("RESULTS!:\n");


        String whatthenameis = cursor.getString((cursor.getColumnIndex("name")));

        TextView text = (TextView)findViewById(;
Generally, coder need to use a database, while saving data. We use SQLite Database on Android'cuz it's simple. Here, SQL is as you know before. "SELECT" command using also. By the way, if you want to check your db file out, just go this directory on Eclipse: file explorer/data/[your project name]/database
Write Something
That's it! We can add and save our datas, through SQLite Database on Android.
When you write something and click button, data will been saved and can show it on the screen. We'll you guys next article!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Developing a Basic Application on Android: "Welcome Page"

Hi Everyone! Today, I'll show you an Android application which is about welcome pages. As known, before when opened an app, game, web site, DVD movie, etc, a welcome page has shown us by masters of'em. That's why is showing what the brand is. For example, Angry Birds, EA Games, Microsoft Games.

This article is going to be a basic application like "Hello World!". But Before we'll be on welcome page and see the welcome message on it. Let's see how to do it!

Necessary equipment (Install all of them)
  1. Eclipse Editor
  2. SDK (Software Development Kid)
  3. Android: WindowsLinuxMac
First, open the Eclipse editor, then follow this directory: File/New/Project/Android/Android Project
My Project Name : WelcomePage
My Android Version : V2.2
My Package Name :
You can fix this properties as you wish.

I think, you know how to do an "hello world" app on Android, so I won't explain this. The important thing of the app for me is relationship of Activities and Threads. For those, we're going to do this pages:
src/WelcomePageActivity.class //This is a default file
res/layout/main.xml //This is also a default file
AndroidManifest.xml //This is configuration file
Create a class file: 
  1. directory: src/(Right Click)New/Class
  2. call: WelcomePage
  3. Click the "Finish" Button
Code for

import android.os.Bundle;

public class WelcomePage extends Activity { //Created WelcomePage Activity
 public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
  setContentView(R.layout.main); //The content to display from main.xml

The "R" is a library which used for xml files. Every xml file can used on it. We'd just used main.xml file for we need to go home page of our Android app after showing welcome page.

Create a xml file:
  1. directory: res/layout/(Right Click)Other/File/Android/Android Xml File
  2. call: page2
  3. Click the "Finish" Button
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:orientation="vertical" >

        android:text="This is a welcome page!" />


When we look at this page up, should see like that:
page2.xml file view
Create file

import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;

public class WelcomePageActivity extends Activity {
    /** Called when the activity is first created. */
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        setContentView(R.layout.page2); //The content to display from page2.xml file
        Thread WelcomeScreen = new Thread() { //Must create a thread, because opening another page is a different event, as sync
         public void run() {
          try { //This is try-catch
           sleep(5000); //Waiting five seconds
           startActivity(new Intent(getApplicationContext(),WelcomePage.class)); 
           //After waiting, shown the content from file
          } catch (InterruptedException e) {
          finally {
           finish(); //We finish this thread.
        WelcomeScreen.start(); //Starting the thread created.

Maybe, you may not get the line, 
"startActivity(new Intent(getApplicationContext(),WelcomePage.class));". 
Just remember that we used main.xml content to get on page.

And the last one we have to do, update AndroidManifest.xml file! Remember that we create a new Activity, so must define this Activity. For that reason, just add this code to AndroidManifest.xml file:
And yes, finished! Let's work this on our Emulator! For this, call: 

WelcomePage Project(Right Click)/Run as/Android Project

Welcome page view
After 5 seconds this page, we will see main.xml file:

main.xml file on my application
We'll see you guys next article!